QEP - Student Learning Initiative Topic Ideas

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QEP - Student Learning Initiative Topic Ideas

In response to a call for ideas from the QEP Topic Selection Team, ATC faculty, staff, and students submitted these 28 topic proposals between April and May 2012. Please take a moment to review the topics and comments.

Proposal #2

Link to PDF Proposal #2


  1. I like this proposal. I would think that adding that the course would reiterate the information available in the online orientation as a way to connect students to campus resources would be beneficial.

  2. I like this proposal. The only thing I would change is the last part about requiring campus involvement. I don't think students should be forced to participate in activities. Maybe make participating in campus activities extra credit.

  3. Like the idea of this being a 1-credit course. Would love to see staff from across the campus teaching/facilitating this course. Having more staff involved in a positive way with students and building relationships would be good for both students and staff.


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